Conceptual Set and Costume Design
Writer Jack Thorne from an original work by Georg Buchner
Director Zana Hoxha
Set and Costume Designer
Grace Rumsey
"Georg Buchner's play Woyzeck is one of the most performed and influential plays in German theatre. Based on a real-life murder trial that took place in Germany in the 1820s, the play was written in 1837, but left incomplete at the author's death from typhus in February that year. It was not staged until 1913, when it was premiered in Munich. There is ongoing debate regarding the extent to which the surviving text is complete, and the intended order of the scenes.
This version by playwright and screenwriter Jack Thorne relocates the action to Berlin at the height of the Cold War. It was premiered at The Old Vic, London, on 15 May 2017.
In Thorne's version, Woyzeck is a British soldier stationed in Berlin with his girlfriend Marie and baby daughter. Together they are trying to build a future for their child, but in attempting to escape the poverty that entraps them, they come up against hypocrisy, lust, cruelty, and the dangerous fissures in Woyzeck's own past."
This was designed for the 'end-on' proscenium Sainsbury Theatre in the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art.

Below are my research images for set and costume

Below are some digital process images created on Photoshop, Sketchup and AutoCAD.

Below are my physical 1:25 model box images.

Fine liner and watercolour paint on card.